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Superannuation Claims

With a success rate of over 99%, you can be sure of our commitment to winning your claim.

Using a specialist law firm with over 90 years combined experience could make the difference between winning and losing your case. At Sanford Legal, our sole purpose is to get you MAXIMUM compensation against insurance companies – it’s what we do best and stand out amongst our competitors.

With our NO WIN NO FEE GUARANTEE*, it’s our guarantee to you that we will provide you with the best legal service without any compromise.


Superannuation Claims
Every worker in Australia receives superannuation. What many workers do not know, is that they may have additional insurance benefits attaching to their superannuation which provides insurance cover if they have stopped working or retired because of any physical injury, illness or disabilities, however or wherever such arose.

Such insurance cover includes:

  1. Death insurance: This is an insurance benefit that provides a lump sum benefit to your beneficiaries nominated in your Superannuation Fund in the event of death.
  2. Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD): The definition of TPD varies from Superannuation Fund to Superannuation Fund. Most TPD definitions attaching to Superannuation Funds are “any-occupation” definition and usually arises if you satisfy the following:
    • A person has been unable to be gainfully employed for a continuous period of six (6) months; and
    • On the balance of the medical evidence, the Trustee of the Superannuation Fund determines that you are unlikely to ever return to gainful employment for which you are reasonably qualified for by reason of your education, training and/or experience.
  3. Income Protection or Group Salary Continuance Insurance: This insurance will usually cover a person for up to 75% of their pre-injury earnings subject to certain conditions and satisfaction of a waiting period.

Superannuation claims represents a growing area of insurance litigation. At Sanford Legal, we have established knowledge and experience in processing and litigating claims against superannuation funds such as HESTA, CBus, REST, Australian Super, AMP and Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund.


Contact Sanford Legal today for a free case assessment.

We act on a NO WIN NO FEE GUARANTEE in superannuation claims*

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